If you ever get stuck in your writing, please know you're not alone. The majority of authors experience some amount of writing block as they write. Some are so blocked, they can't even get started! Use these 15 writing prompts to get over writer's block and keep writing...

It might seem selfish. It might go against everything you've been taught. But the truth is writing your book can't be all about how you can serve your readers. Any project that requires this level of commitment has to also serve you. Period. In this episode, discover why becoming...

There's nothing worse than being disappointed by a book you just bought. Your readers deserve better, and as an author, you deserve to write and publish a book you're proud of. Luckily there are ways to make sure you write a book that delights your readers, so...

As we start a new year, you may have some regret about not finishing (or even starting!) your book last year. But you absolutely can make this the year you write your book. In this episode, discover my simple 4-step process to get past blocks, doubts, and...

Writing a book can feel like a colossal task. You might even get to the point that you start to forget where it fits into your larger purpose. Finally writing your book is still the *best* way to position yourself as the expert in your industry. And in...

Picture it. You've been writing away for months. (Even if you've just started writing your book, imagine this moment.) You feel like you're done writing, but . . . you also feel like you could possibly make your manuscript even better. What should you do? What should you...

If writing a book required no personal effort or investment, everyone would do it. (Well, not everyone, but lots more people.) Your book will demand certain things of you, of course. But are you making sacrifices for your book or making investments in your book? In this episode,...