Your certified EXPERT to HELP YOU


LEARN MORE ABOUT what i offer


Learn more about my premiere author coaching and editing services. This includes my group coaching program, Authors Ignited, and my 1-on-1 Complete Author Coaching program. It also includes my Copy Editing and Manuscript Critique and Review services.

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FRee Resources

Follow this link to access some free resources to help you on your writing journey!

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My podcast has reached more than NUMBER listeners in the past NUMBER years since it’s conception. Tune in as I go in depth into different topics surrounding writing, editing, publishing, and much, much more.

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Creating a plan that works for you

Still not sure where to start? Schedule a 30 minute complimentary consultation call to learn more about how I can help you with your specific situation. We’ll discuss what program or service would be the best fit for you as well as where and how you should get started.

Through my personalized coaching, I’ll work alongside you to develop an integrated plan to achieve all your writing goals—often combining my S.P.A.R.K. method with my decades of experience coaching.

Get to know what working with me could look like by booking that free consultation call below!