Featured Clients
Miriam Schulman
Patrice Washington
"Real Money Answers"
Rachel Luna
"Permission to Offend"
Brandi Harvey
"Breakthrough Sold Separately"
Jessica Bantom
"Design for Identity"
Antonia Lofaso
"The Busy Mom's Cookbook"
Angela Raspass
"Your Next Chapter"
Lamar Tyler
"Traffic Sales & Profit"
Other Client Success
Precious Bivings
"More Tequila Please!"
Dr. Patrice Buckner Jackson
"Disrupting Burnout"
Amanda Lynch
"The Mindfulness Room" and others
Sulaiman & Lesleigh Mausi
"The Power of Us"
Nicole Petite
"Focused, Fearless, and Fighting"
Benjamin Raymond
"Playing the Game Without a Coach"
T. Reneé Smith
"The CEO Life and The Authentic Woman: Stilettos, Sweats, and Suits"
Wendy Torres
"Side Chick Syndrome"
Pennae Akpuru
"Living Past Your Pain to Live Your Dreams"
Suzanne Bernier
"Disaster Heroes"
Yvette Gavin
Dolly Carlson
"The Red Coat"
Jazlyn Denise
"The Prayer Playbook"
Christine K. St. Vil & Julian B. Kiganda
"Whose Shoes Are You Wearing?"
Ronnie Tyler
"Launching Your Product"