Welcome to Nothing but the Words, episode #2.

I’m your Author Coach, Candice L Davis.

In this episode we’re going to examine why you should write a book—or not—and get down to the only reason ANYONE should ever write a book.

I’ll share with you the only good reason to write a book. If you’re thinking about becoming an author or you’ve already started writing a book, stick around. I’m going to help you define the why behind writing your book and make sure it’s that one good reason.

In this podcast my goal is to share with you all of the tools, and resources, and habits I’ve learned over the decade I’ve spent as an author coach, ghostwriter, and book editor. 

My guests and I will delve into topics from how to get over writer’s block to how to manage multiple book ideas and self-publishing vs. traditional publishing.

 My ultimate goal is to help you write a book you can be proud to put your name on and to do it faster than you thought you could. As you’ll see, there are lots of paths to that destination.

Thanks for joining me, I’m Your Author Coach, Candice L. Davis.

In this episode, I want to talk with you about the reasons people write books, and then I want to share with you the only good reason—and yes, there’s only one—to write a book.

Over the last decade, I’ve written more than 18 books as a ghostwriter or co-writer, under my pen name, C.R. Byron, and for myself. I’ve written business books, memoirs, personal development books, fiction, and how-to books.

As an author coach, I’ve guided dozens of people to write their own books.

And as a book editor, I’ve edited lots and lots of novels, memoirs, and how-to books.

Right now, I’m coaching clients who are writing memoirs, and books about marriage, online business, and branding.

Everyone has their own reason for writing a book.

~To build a business.

Some of my clients even give away their books to lead readers back to their other products and services.

 ~ To make money.

The Myth: You can’t make a living writing books.

Maybe these authors don’t have a business, but writing and publishing books becomes a side gig and possibly a full-blown business.

~ To promote yourself as a speaker.

~To be seen as an expert.

~To land media appearances. (TV, radio, podcasts)

The vast majority of experts you see on talk shows have a book. They are the authority.

My clients have appeared on Dr. Phil, The Steve Harvey TV show and radio Morning Show, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Sister Circle Live, Canada AM, and more.

I’m waiting for one of them to call me and say “I’m on Super Soul Sunday, and I’m not even kidding. I know that day is coming.”

Landing these shows gives my clients a lot more than bragging rights. These appearances have helped my clients sell more books, spread their message, get better speaking gigs, and get more clients and customers.

~To share an important story

Your story

Someone else’s story

Crisis Consultant – Suzanne Bernier – Disaster Heroes

Or a completely fictional story

~To exercise your creativity

Esp. novels, story collections, memoir

Art versus commerce

~To teach people how to do something – share knowledge

All good reasons . . .  but what reasons are most compelling to you?

Listen. Lots of people want to build a business, or speak, or share a story, but they don’t want to be authors. So they shouldn’t. It’s not a requirement, no matter how many people tell you that you should write a book.

If you DO want to write a book, I hope you have a compelling reason. This is a marathon, and you need a reason to keep going until you cross a finish line.

If you really want to become an author, but you really DON’T want to write a book, that’s what ghostwriters are for. A good ghostwriter won’t come cheap, but for many people, it’s worth the investment to become an author without actually writing the book.

But if you want to write a book let me share some action you can take.

Sit down in a quiet place and examine your reasons. The best way to do this is with a pen and paper or a document. Writing down your thoughts lets you be accountable to looking at them with clear eyes.

Today’s action step, ask yourself the question: Why am I writing this book? Write out your answers, and keep that compelling reason in front of you as

There’s no wrong answer. 

I’m Candice L Davis, your author coach. If you enjoy this episode, subscribe to Nothing but the Words on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

I’ll see you next time on Nothing but the Words.