Welcome back to Nothing but the Words.

I’m your Author Coach, Candice L Davis.

I know a lot of you would-be authors out there are reluctant to outline your books. I get it. You think you know your material well enough that you don’t need to outline. Or you just hate the process. I hear you, but in this episode, I’m going to tell you why you absolutely need to outline your books.

Before we jump into that

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Say yes to new friends. Say yes to people who want to support you and will root for you. Find your tribe. I’ve dipped a toe into a lot of communities and they aren’t all for me. But that’s okay. 

Let’s get to today’s topic, why you absolutely should outline your book.

My start in literary fiction

Unfinished books

Stuck in the middle

Writer’s block, knowing what to write when you sit down for a writing session

If you’re a fiction writer and wondering if this applies to you—it absolutely does. Most of my clients write non-fiction (how-to books, personal development, professional development, and memoirs), but a few write fiction, and I’ve written a lot of fiction myself.

If you’re writing a book with a purpose – your outline will make sure your book has the right content to serve that purpose

Reason #1. So you don’t forget important content. (Make sure your book fulfills its promise to the reader.)

Reason #2. So you don’t unintentionally repeat content. (That’s boring!)

Reason #3. So you can make it through the murky middle. (You’ll know what to write.)

Reason #4. So your readers don’t get lost. (What makes sense to you doesn’t necessarily make sense to them.) You can organize the flow of your book before you start writing. Not only will that organization make it easier for readers to follow your book, but it will also make it easy for you. If you try to organize after you write, you’ll end up doing a lot of re-writing.

Reason #5. So you know when to end your book.

Reason #6. So you can start your marketing early.

Reason #7. So you can strategize additional content, products, services, merchandise in advance. What do you want your readers to do to work more with you when they’re done reading your book? 

Action step: Commit to the practice of outlining. In the next episode, I’ll give you some ways to make it easier.

if you’re writing a memoir

if you’re writing a subject-matter exploration

Thanks for listening to Nothing but the Words, if you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

I’m your Author Coach Candice L Davis, and I’ll see you next time.