Hey there and welcome to Nothing but the Words. I’m your author coach, Candice L Davis.

Recently, I got on Clubhouse and co-hosted a room for the first time.

If you know me at all, you know I’m not the biggest social media person.

And I’m not probably what you would think of as the right person for Clubhouse.

It’s an audio-only app.

So you’re either there to listen, which is cool, or to talk, to share information, to have a conversation.

And as an introvert, I don’t necessarily need to spend a lot more time talking.

But I do get on there and listen every once in a while, and yesterday, I co-hosted a room with my friend Maruxa Murphy, and we talked about how you can write purpose-driven book—a book that really helps you to fulfill your purpose.

Several people in the Clubhouse room mentioned that there was a book they wanted to write, but there was a different book they felt they ***should*** write first.

As coaches, consultants, and speakers, they’re accustomed to giving people the how-to.

So they believe their audience expects that how-to book from them.

And that can be a great choice. Lots of experts have used tactical, how-to books to achieve their business goals.

But these women want to have a deeper discussion in their books.

They want to demonstrate their thought leadership in their books.

More than giving readers a step-by-step, how-to book, they want to delve into the philosophies behind what they do and how they do it.

They worried, however, that it wasn’t what their audience wanted.

And to some extent, they’re right.

There will be a percentage of their audience who just want to be told what to do.

But I believe those people will be in the minority.

These leaders attract people like them—people who are bright, and curious, and constantly evolving.

They attract people who want to understand the why behind the what.

Not only will these books, exploring their theories, values, and philosophies resonate with much of their audience, it will also attract a whole new audience.

So many people are hungry to understand and to be understood.

Thought leadership helps them to understand something that matters to them, and it often makes  them feel understood at the same time.

It makes them feel heard and seen because someone is finally discussing the things that matter most to them.

Listen. I’m not here to tell you what kind of book to write.

You have to decide that based on your goals for your book and your audience.

If, for instance, you’re writing a book to teach seniors how to make the most of technology, step-by-step how-to might be exactly the kind of book they need.

Those books have their place and can provide great value.

But if you dream of writing something deeper,

If you feel called to share more,

Don’t avoid that calling.

As long as that book is in alignment with your platform, or the platform you want to create, it will still serve to help you gain visibility and grow your audience.

Every book you see Oprah discussing on Super Soul Sunday falls into this thought-leadership category.

None of them are simple prescriptive manuals.

They’re books about big ideas.

I don’t say that to say writing about your philosophies will get you a seat under the trees with Oprah.

I say that as evidence of the truth that so many people want to have these discussions.

They want to discuss the big topics.

When I coach a client who’s torn between books, I’ll often tell them to write “the money book” first.

I got that phrase from my friend and fellow author coach Anita Henderson.

However, in those situations, the client is typically deciding between writing a book that’s in full alignment with their business and what I consider a hobby book.

I encourage them to write “the money book” first. That’s the book that will support their business in some way.

That’s not what I’m talking about here.

I’m speaking to those of you who are torn between writing a how-to book, which your audience will surely love and implement, and writing a more profound book.

Choosing the second book requires a level of vulnerability.

You’ll be holding your deeply held beliefs up for assessment by your readers.

So there’s more risk involved.

But the potential rewards are also much greater.

Writing your thought-leadership work and getting it out to the world can position you as an expert in new circles, all while making your core community that much more invested in your philosophies.

If you find yourself in this situation, I invite you to follow your desire.

Write the book that’s calling out to be written.

Give your readers the world view, and convictions, and wisdom behind what you do.

That’s it for this week’s episode, my friends, inspired by a conversation on Clubhouse.

If you’re on Clubhouse, follow me @candiceldavis. And ping me when something juicy’s going down.

Thanks for listing to Nothing but the Words. I’m your Author Coach Candice L Davis, and I’ll see you next time.