Nothing but the Words – A special 3-part series, What Successful Authors Know

Hey there and welcome to Nothing but the Words. I’m your author coach, Candice L Davis.

I hope your week and your writing are both going well.

This is it, friends, the final episode in my 3-part series, 3 Things Successful Authors Know, in celebration of the launch of my new group coaching program for nonfiction authors, Authors Ignited.

In the first episode, I shared the importance of frameworks.

In the second episode, I talked about the importance of raising the standard for your book and committing to that work.

And in this episode, I want to talk about the importance of community in writing your book.

Keep in mind that I’m a true introvert.

I don’t avoid people on general principle—most of the time—but I can go a really long time without talking to anyone and be perfectly fine.

I love coaching my clients. I’m typically on a high when I’m done with a coaching call. But when I come down from that high, I need time alone to recharge.

A lot of people think of introverts as shy, and some of us are, but the definition I embrace is a person who’s energized by solitude, as opposed to the extrovert who feels supercharged by engaging with people.

So that being said, little old introvert me, would have preferred to write in a total silo.

When I first started writing, I was homeschooling my kids, and while they went to lots of activities and had tons of kids to hang out with in the neighborhood, I was perfectly fine chilling at home by myself.

I loved being with my family, but we had lots of time in our so-called school day when we were all doing our own thing—in silence.

It was quite glorious to have so much quiet time, and it allowed room for all of us to indulge our creativity.

But . . .

After I joined my first writer’s workshop, run by Barbara Demarco-Barrett, the host of Writers on Writing and the author of Pen on Fire, I discovered the value of having a writing community.

One of the blessings of this experience was that at least half of the writers in the group were as introverted as I am. So they didn’t put any extra demands on my energy.

What this group and other groups I later joined did for me was to provide me a place where people understood what I was attempting to do.

They were on the same journey I was on.

It also gave me a certain amount of accountability because we had to bring work to read in the workshop, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to show up having not done my homework.

It gave me a source of inspiration as I watched my colleagues work through the obstacles they encountered while writing their books.

They also gave me feedback, of course, and access to resources I wouldn’t otherwise have had.

What it boiled down to was a community that supported me in my writing goals. 

Successful authors understand the value of this kind of community.

They may have just one reliable person they turn to for support or a whole group, as I did.

So how can you get this kind of community for your writing life?

There are several ways.

One of the simplest is to partner with a friend who’s also writing a book.

Keep each other accountable with weekly progress updates.

Or meet once a week for a writing date in person or online.

Read a little of your work to each other and get feedback.

Or join a writer’s workshop in your neighborhood.

You can often find them on sites like meetup or even at your local library.

It might take a few tries to find the right fit for you, but the right fit is out there.

Or join a group coaching program like mine, Authors Ignited, where my clients show up and support each other in their goals, hold each other gently accountable, and share compassionate feedback.

Who’s in your corner right now?

Find a space where you can show up and know it’s safe to say, “I haven’t written in two weeks,” and ask for help.

Become a part of a community, even if it’s only a community of two, where you can trust the members to give you feedback that’s intended to help, not hurt, but is honest and clear.

Imagine how much easier writing your book will be with that support.

You’ll never have to stay stuck or become a long-term victim of writer’s block.

You’ll never have to wonder if what you’re writing is any good because you’ll have people there to tell you what’s working so incredibly well and what opportunities you have to improve.

Successful authors employ frameworks in many different ways by making them their own.

Successful authors raise the standard for the books they write and they accept the work that comes with that.

And successful authors don’t try to go it alone.

If you don’t have that type of writing community in your life right now, check out my group-coaching experience, Authors Ignited, at

It might be a great fit for you. And if you join by Saturday, April 9, 2022, you’ll also get free access to my upcoming one-day virtual writer’s retreat.

That’s all for this episode and for this series.

I hope you’ve found it helpful. 

Thanks for listening to Nothing but the Words, I’m your author coach Candice L Davis, and I’ll see you next time.