Writing your book is a marathon, not a sprint. Welcome to the episodes of my podcast that are meant to help you lift yourself up when your spirits are down on your long journey.

In this premiere episode of Nothing but the Words, you’ll discover what one ghostwriter and author coach learned over the course of writing nearly twenty books for clients and coaching dozens of clients to write their own.

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The choice is ultimately yours, of course, but in my experience, there’s only one good reason to write a book. In this episode, you’ll find out the only good reason to spend weeks or months of your life writing your book. 

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It can be hard to focus on writing a book when you're dealing with anxiety caused by a crisis. As long as you're relatively safe and healthy, you can keep writing your book. When the crisis has passed you’ll be glad you kept writing.

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Does it seem insensitive to sell books during a crisis? Does it seem too hard to write? Those feelings are valid. I’ll tell you why writing your book is an act of leadership and service to others and yourself—especially in a crisis.

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You know you need to write consistently if you want to finish a book. But when should you take a step back from the work? It's important to know when taking a break is the most productive thing you can do for your book. So listen in to find out when you should take a break from writing and how to know if you've stopped writing for the right reasons.

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Have you ever sat down to write and found yourself completely stuck? You're not alone. Every writer experiences this. But if you want to write at any given time, you can. You can tame the thoughts running through your head and get focused on writing. Listen to discover how to get past mental chaos or a “lack of ideas” so you can finish your book.

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Rejection is a part of any creative process, and writing a book is no different. People will reject your book idea, your talent, skill, and capacity. They'll reject the book you've poured your heart into writing. How you deal with this rejection will determine how successful you can be as an author. In this episode, I share how to manage rejection and keep gong in spite of it.

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Our brains want to protect us and take negative comments seriously. The C+ in English class or the well-meaning redirect from your parents—all of it affects your confidence as a writer and your ability to become a successful author. In this episode, I reveal why those comments have nothing to do with you and how you can get past them.

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Writing a book is easier said than done with so much going on in the world. Yet, many people are still getting it done. In this episode, I walk you through 6 of the most effective tools my author-coaching clients and I are using to write our books. You can't necessarily alter the circumstances swirling around you right now, but you can change how you handle them. You can write your book regardless of how crazy things seem.

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What if you never write the book you dream of writing? That would be a loss for you and for your readers, but it doesn't have to happen. You can write your book before it's too late. Get started now. In this episode, I share why today is the best day to write your book and how to begin on the road to becoming an author. Ready to write your nonfiction book in a supportive writing community? Join us in Authors Ignited at AuthorsIgnited.com.

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If you've been wanting to write a book for some time but you haven't, something isn't working. If you've started your book but, for whatever reason, you haven't finished writing it, something isn't working. In this episode I break down how to recognize when things have gotten off track with your book and how to decide what to do about it to keep writing and progress your book!

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Does it really make a difference where you write you book? It absolutely does. In this episode, we dive into how you can create a space that supports your writing--even when it feels like there's no extra space in your home. A well-designed writing space will help you write faster, better, and more consistently. Take these elements into account, and set yourself up for success with your book. For more writing tips, follow me on IG @candiceldavis.

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Family, friends, job, business, social life! You have so much on your plate. And sometimes, you're just too tired to write. Unfortunately, those are also the times when you might really need to write to meet a deadline or finish your book on time. In this episode, I share specific strategies to get back to writing--even when you're too tired to write.

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Every author faces doubts along the way. But successful authors all have one thing in  common. They know how to commit to their book and keep coming back to it until it's done--in spite of the doubts. In this episode, you'll discover 3 simple tools you can use to commit to your book, finish writing it, and get it out to the world.

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You want to write a book, but sometimes, you feel like you just can't do it. The doubts creep in and you start to wonder if your book will be good enough. Is your writing strong enough? Are there already too many books like this? What if no one buys it? Every author has doubts. In this episode, discover a proven tool to coach yourself through it and keep writing.

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The biggest reason most people who want to write a book never do: they quit every time it feels hard. In this episode, I share a simple change in your thinking that can help you get through those moments and keep writing. This strategy is essential to actually finishing your book. For more writing tips and inspiration, follow me on Instagram @candiceldavis.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

How confident are you in your ability to write a phenomenal book? If you're like most authors, a lack of confidence can show up at any time and stop you from writing. When you increase your self-confidence, you increase your trust in your ability to finish writing your book. In this episode, I show you an easy way to increase your faith in your own abilities.

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Everyone's pushing you to finish strong with your goals at the end of the year, and that includes your book. It can feel like a lot of pressure, and if you're not careful, it can make you feel like a failure. In this episode, discover two ways to finish strong with your book, even if you haven't started writing it yet. No stress required.

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Do you question whether or not you have the creativity to write a whole book? Our culture is rife with myths about creativity and who's lucky enough to have it. There seems to be a “secret club” of people gifted with the creativity to become artists, inventors, and authors. In this episode, discover the truth about creativity and what it means for you as an aspiring author.

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There's nothing quite like the feeling of writing when you're totally inspired and the words just seem to flow. That's every writer's dream. But what happens when it's time to write your book, and you feel uninspired? In this episode, discover the truth about writing from a place of inspiration and get specific steps to  take when you can't quite get to that place.

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When you think of writing a whole book does it feel like a huge task? Lots of would-be authors get stuck at the start because the process seems overwhelming. Those thoughts are normal, but they don't have to stop you. In this episode, discover 3 simple ways to get past that feeling of overwhelm and write your way to a finished book.

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Writing a book can feel like a struggle, especially when you're convinced you're not good at it. The good news: Everyone who wants to write a book has a writing superpower. You just have to uncover and make the most of yours. In this episode, find out what your writing superpower might be and how it can help you write your world-class book.

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You can do all the prepping and planning, but sitting down to write your book can still be scary. It doesn't matter if you're writing a novel, a memoir, or a personal or professional development book. No matter what kind of book you're writing, fear can stop you from getting it done. In this episode, discover how to muster the courage to write your book.

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If you're like most humans, you get angry when you or someone you care about is mistreated. You get angry about the injustices in the world. You get angry for valid reasons, and some of the these things will be relevant to your book. In this episode, you'll discover why it's perfectly acceptable and sometimes necessary to write about your anger and how to do it effectively.

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When you've talked about writing a book for months or even years, not getting it done can make you feel guilty, embarrassed, or like you've failed. Some experts will tell you that if you really wanted to write a book you'd make time to write. That could be true. But often, it's a little more complicated than that. In this episode,  you'll learn 3 steps you can take to finally make time to write your book.

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Like every resource you have, your writing capacity has its (current) limits. The good news is you can protect and even expand your capacity to write. Why does this matter? Because your writing capacity determines how long it'll take you to write your book and even whether you'll actually write it at all. In this episode, discover four simple ways you can protect and nurture your writing capacity.

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Don't give up on your book! Writing a book is like any other goal that takes more than a few days to accomplish. It's really easy to slowly give up on it. This week, you only write on three of your planned days. Next week, you only write on one day. And before you know it, your goal of writing a book has died a quiet death. That doesn't have to happen to you. Use these 4 strategies to keep writing to the end.

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If you ever get stuck in your writing, please know you're not the only one. Most authors experience some amount of writing block as they write. Some are so blocked, they can't even get started! Use these 15 writing prompts to get over writer's block and keep writing when you feel stuck. Don't stay in it. Choose a prompt, and keep writing. For more writing tips and inspiration, follow me on Instagram @candiceldavis.

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Writing a book requires effort, but it doesn't have to be the painful. It's not a chore. It's  not another task on your to-do list. It's something you get to do, and it can transform your life and the lives of your readers. Even if it feels too hard to write a book right now--like you could never actually do it--you can change that. In this episode, you'll discover how to make writing a lot more enjoyable so you can write your book faster and with less stress. 

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As the year gets underway, lots of people are falling off the wagon when it comes to their New Year's resolutions and annual goals. But what about the people who aren't? What about the people who are sticking to their resolution to make this the year they become an author? That can be you--and it should be. Listen to this episode to find out why you really should make 2024 the year you write your book.

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With all the fun,  travel, and distractions of summer, how do you keep writing your book? It's not nearly as hard as it might seem. I'll be writing all summer long, and so will my private coaching clients and the members of my group-coaching experience, Authors Ignited. If you're looking for support, guidance, and compassionate accountability, click here to schedule a complimentary consultation call with me.  Let's talk about how I can help you write a book that matters.

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