Nuts and bolts.

Below you’ll find my podcast episodes that really tackle many of the more “technical questions” I’ve gotten. This includes advice, step-by-step guides, and how-to’s!

Would you like to write your book faster and with less stress? In this episode, you'll weigh the pros and cons of outlining your non-fiction book. Discover the many benefits of outlining your book and why it doesn't have to be a difficult or boring process.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

Can you write a book without an outline? Sure. But you'll probably regret it. An outline is a project plan for writing your book. Outlining your memoir, how-to book, professional development book, or personal development book will make it so much easier to write. And your final result will be a much better book.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

Many experts worry about giving away too much in their books. They're afraid no one will buy their products and services if they share everything they know in a book. So how do you know where to draw the line? In this episode, discover how much of your process you should share on the page to make that happen.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

Your memoir isn't an autobiography and doesn't need to tell your life story. So what should it include? Do you have to share all your deep, dark secrets? In this episode, I answer all those questions and more. Discover how to focus your memoir so it will appeal to readers and what you should and shouldn’t include.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

Sharing authentic stories in your how-to book, memoir, personal or professional development book, or subject-matter expert book will separate your book from the crowd. And your readers will know, like, and trust your faster, want more from you, and be happy to recommend your book.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

In all likelihood, you would never intentionally plagiarize someone else's work. But there are a few common mistakes new authors make that can lead to you unintentionally stealing someone else's work. Discover easy ways to make sure you avoid stealing someone else's words, concepts, or proprietary systems.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

If you've ever thought of quoting Scripture in your book, there are important guidelines you need to follow. Bible translations belong to their publishers, and you'll need to give credit where it's due. But with these few simple steps, you can easily quote chapter and verse without violating anyone's copyright.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

Writing a book is an investment of time, energy, and knowledge. And you want a return on that investment. But only you can decide what makes your book successful. In this episode, you'll discover 7 ways to measure your book's success. Focus on the ones that align with your goals and don’t worry about the rest.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

Everyone who wants to write a great book, should go for it. And you should do it knowing you're creating value for your readers. In this episode, you'll discover the 3 types of books that can make readers question your expertise, your credibility, and your integrity. The first step to writing a world-class book is to avoid writing any one of these at all costs.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

As you probably know, wanting to write a book and actually feeling ready to write it aren't the same thing. In this episode, I share the clear signs you're ready to write your book--and how to get ready if you're not.  Listen to discover what successful authors know about getting started and seeing your book through to the end.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

It can be intimidating to write a book when some super author seems to already dominate the category. In this episode, discover why another book's success in your category can actually make it easier for you to write and sell your book. For more writing tips and inspiration, follow me on Instagram @candiceldavis.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

Have you ever looked at a book cover that made you absolutely sure you didn't want the book? Maybe you didn't know why, but you knew the book wasn't for you. Sometimes, a bad book cover can cause readers to miss out on a great book. Easily avoid these book-cover mistakes, follow a few best practices, and win your readers over with your beautiful book cover.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

Do your readers speak your language? By the time they finish reading your book, they will. In this episode, discover how creating a unique vocabulary can help your readers get more value from your book and help your book stand out in the marketplace.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

There's more than one way to write your book. Trying to fit your writing into someone else's schedule and process can make writing your book seem impossible. You need to write your way. Answer the three questions in this episode to understand your unique writing personality and make writing a book a lot less stressful.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

You can have the best book idea in the world. You can have a fantastic outline and plenty of time to write--and you can still not quite be ready to write your book. In this episode, discover four signs that you're not ready to write and learn exactly how to get over those obstacles, get ready, and start writing.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

Whether you self-publish or not, marketing your book will mostly be your responsibility.  Getting other prominent authors and experts to blurb your book can help your marketing plan. In this episode, you’ll learn what a book blurb is and discover how to get blurbs from the right people to help you sell your book.

Click the image for the episode transcript.

Do you really need a foreword for your book? Need is a strong word, and not one that applies here. But for the right kinds of books, a strong foreword can make a real difference in your book sales--even if your readers flip right past it. In this episode find out why you might (or might not) want to get one, who to ask, and how to go about it.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

Anything that makes writing a book a little easier can be appealing, but shortcuts are rarely as good as they look. Using ChatGPT and similar software to write your book can create major problems. In this episode, you'll discover 3 significant reasons why I'm advising authors not to use artificial intelligence apps to write their books or their book proposals.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

The big difference between those authors you admire and you isn't intelligence, talent, or ability. It’s that they have a plan to bring their vision for their book to fruition. In this episode, discover how you can create your own blueprint for your book, use your writing time more efficiently, and finish your book faster. Ready to make writing your book a lot easier?

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

In this episode, you’ll meet Anita Henderson, author of “Becoming the Minimalist Entrepreneur.” Anita shares why she wrote a memoir of her professional life, including the obstacles she faced along the way and how she overcame them. You’ll also discover the many benefits Anita got from her book, all of which are available to you too!

Click the image for the full episode transcript.


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