The bigger picture.

Your book is more than just words on a page or pixels on a screen. Your book has the potential to make an impact far beyond your immediate circle or even lifespan. Find out how below.

If you think you’re writing a book everyone will want to read, think again. Follow the steps in this episode to identify and embrace your one perfect reader. Focus on her (or him) and save yourself a lot of wasted effort. In this episode, you’ll also discover why your pool of readers only gets bigger when you niche it down. 

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Authors are leaders, and it’s always a good time to step up as a leader in your field by writing your book. Leaders take a stand. Leaders provide clarity and direction for their followers. Leaders do what other people won’t. You can do all of this and more when you when you write a great book. In this episode, you'll discover how.

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If you want to write a book that positions you as an expert and really makes a difference for your readers, you might need to write bigger. Your best book idea can be made even better when you connect it to bigger events and concepts. In this episode, you'll discover how to do that for your memoir, how-to, professional development, or subject-matter-expert book.

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For every black person who feels called to write a book, now is the time to do it. Black books make a difference to black people and to the country at large. They shine a light on the diverse black experience. We no longer need the permission of a publisher to write our books and get them in the hands of readers. Write your book. Own your part of history.

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Writing a book is the best way to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry, your community, or your field. But that will require you to take a stand—and lose some people along the way. If you're willing to do that, you can create a greater impact, have more influence, and change the way your readers think, act, and feel.

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Do you ever worry your book might be boring? Are you afraid people are going to read the first few pages then never pick it up again? This might happen if you make the most common mistakes of new authors. In this episode, I'll tell you how to avoid writing a boring book and how to write a book that’ll leave your readers unable to stop turning the pages of your book. 

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In this episode, discover how to write a book that will position you as a thought leader.  Being an expert on your topic is a great start, but becoming a thought leader requires something more.  Several of my clients have written books that separate them from the pack of experts in their fields, and you can too. Follow me on Instagram @candiceldavis.

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If you're not sure you have the right book idea or you want to write a book but have no idea what to write about, turn to your gifts. You have a unique combination of gifts, given only to you. In this episode, you'll discover how to hone in on those gifts and choose one to write your book about. Don't keep it to yourself. Share your gift with the world in your book.

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People can tell you what your book "should" be about. Logic might even dictate that you listen to what your existing audience, your friends, or your colleagues say. But sometimes, listening to what other people  think you should write about is the easy way out. In this episode, we explore when you should write the book you feel called to write—and why.

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Only a small percentage of people who want to write a book ever actually make it happen. But there's no reason you can't be one of that group. If you're struggling to get started, get back to writing, or finally finish writing your book, this episode is for you. In this episode, I share how you can shift your focus and finally achieve your author goals.

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It's completely normal to want to find as many readers as possible for you book. You're writing to reach people. But focusing on the wrong potential readers can actually cost you in the long run. In this episode, I explain why you should stop writing for people who'll never want to read your book and what to do instead. Follow me on Instagram @candiceldavis.

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Telling a story is more than just writing down the facts. In this episode, we explore how you can put the reader in the place you were in when your story (or the story you're writing about) happened. Use these tips to make your story come alive and keep your reader turning the pages of your book. Writing a memoir? Click here for my free memoir checklist.

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Every year, thousands of authors write a book, publish it, and do absolutely nothing with it.  That doesn't have to happen to you. In this episode, discover why you  need  to craft a vision for your book, and how to create one that's unique to you and your purpose in the world.

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Sometimes the hard part of writing your book is reliving painful stories. If you're writing a memoir, you'll likely write about difficult moments. Even when writing a development or subject-matter expert book,  you may have to address painful subjects. Listen to discover how best to write about those hard things.

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In this episode, discover what might be a  new way to look at your life's purpose. (This perspective might take some of the pressure off you in your pursuit of purpose.) You'll also discover 4 ways your book can help you fulfill your purpose, however you define it.

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If you're worried about the impact your book might or might not have on your readers, put your worries aside. In this episode, you'll find out why your book is one of the greatest gifts you can give the world. It doesn't matter what kind of book you write. Capturing your ideas on the page will transform your readers.

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No  matter what kind of book you're writing, it doesn't have to be a source of stress and angst. In fact, you can choose the kind of writing experience you want to have--at least, most of the time. In this episode, I share how I encourage my coaching clients to see and experience their writing time in a more helpful way. You can do it too. Listen to find out how.

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If writing a book required nothing of you, almost everyone would do it. Your book demands certain things of you. But are you making sacrifices for your book or making investments in your book? In this episode, find out what your book demands of you, and how to decide if your sacrificing or investing and what difference it makes which you choose.

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While writing your book it’s easy to forget how it helps your purpose. Finally writing your book is still the best way to position yourself as the expert in your industry. And in this episode, you'll discover how to take a holistic look at your message, business, and purpose to see where your book fits into it all. If you're looking for a sign you should write your book, this is it.

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There's nothing worse than buying a book only to find it's a huge disappointment. Your readers deserve better, and as an author, you deserve to write and publish a book you're proud of. Luckily there are simple ways to make sure you write a book that delights your readers, so they tell their friends about it, leave you great reviews, and can't wait to keep investing in you.

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It might sound selfish. It might go against everything you've been taught. But the truth is writing your book can't be all about your readers. Any project that requires this level of commitment has to also serve you. In this episode, discover why becoming more self-focused can help you write a better book and write it faster.

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Why do you trust the person who wrote a book on a topic to know what they're talking about? Why do you see authors as experts? Probably for the same reasons everyone else does. In this episode, discover how writing your book will set you up as a credible authority and why that reputation is well deserved. Follow me on Instagram @candiceldavis.

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What takes a book from good to great? Listen in as author and master coach Rachel Luna describes her journey from book proposal to book deal and from writing her book to seeing it hit the bestseller list. Rachel lets us peek behind the curtain to see how she dealt with rejection along the way and why there are some life stories she'll never tell.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.

Jessica Bantom was determined to write a book that would impact her industry in a positive way. With "Design for Identity," she has managed to write a book that can reach design students in classrooms and designers already working in firms. This book will transform the way designers consider marginalized or underrepresented people in their work.

Click the image for the full episode transcript.




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